Prompt #2

This week’s prompt words were: Juggle, fabulous, miniature, wind, tree, hole.

To be honest with you, I’ve been a little busy. I have a new computer and all the joys that come with it, including remembering how to sign into things. There was also the clearing off the desk thing that needed a whole lot more of my attention than I think it deserved. An embarrassing amount, if you must know.

So, I didn’t do any fun writing. I didn’t do much of any writing, which makes me cranky.

That means, I’m going to wing this week’s prompt and see what I can come up with in short order. This was to create a scene with no characters and dialog in it (which means juggle is gonna be a bit of a trick, isn’t it?)

At the edge of the forest, just before you reach the meadow, the trees begin to thin and sunlight reaches the path. Overhead, the wind juggles the leaves, creating a fabulous show of light and shadow. One last tree to pass before you step into the tall grass of the meadow. A small hole at the base forms a miniature door for some tiny creature that stands sentry at the edge of the woods, the termination line of grass and forest.

Ok, that’s it for me. Have a wonderful week and I’ll see you again on Sunday with another prompt. Remember to leave your writing in the comments, or a link to your blog there and we can all come visit.

About Ms. Karen

This is what happens when you live with a writer: there are pens everywhere, except by the phone; many notebooks with strange scribblings that make no sense but must never be thrown away; and long rambling monologues about what certain characters would, or would not do in a given situation. It's almost as difficult as living with an artist. Man, THOSE people are bizarre...
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