And We’re Live

Ok, so I jumped right in and found that this name was available and I snapped it up.

Selma, if this does not please you, that’s ok, I’ll probably keep it and moved the other one over here and you and I can figure out something else. Or, I can just delete this one.

I’m kind of impulsive that way. Just ask anyone. Any.One.

So, here it is. Oh, and I still have no idea how to do stuff, although I’m going to take D’s advice and make some pages.

About Ms. Karen

This is what happens when you live with a writer: there are pens everywhere, except by the phone; many notebooks with strange scribblings that make no sense but must never be thrown away; and long rambling monologues about what certain characters would, or would not do in a given situation. It's almost as difficult as living with an artist. Man, THOSE people are bizarre...
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5 Responses to And We’re Live

  1. Selma says:

    I love it. It is a lovely, clean look. And hon, you know that everything you do is fine with me. I’m going to make a button for it and publicise it on my blog.

    Very cool. It’s a very exciting venture!


  2. Selma says:

    I’m going to send you an email re. some ideas I have, Karen. Won’t be long…..


  3. Ms. Karen says:

    I like the header (you do excellent work with those, m’dear. I really can’t wait to get this blog up and running. I should also get some ideas written and fly them by you so we can get going with it.


  4. daoine says:

    Oh yay! I found you. Hello!


  5. Ms. Karen says:

    Hello, D! I’m glad you found us.


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